1. Research and projects


    Euromedia Ownership Monitor EU 12 – EurOMo12 (from October, 2022); head of the Latvian team, researcher.


    Horizon 2020 project «MEDIADELCOM: Critical Exploration of Media Related Risks and Opportunities for Deliberative Communication: Development Scenarios of the European Media Landscape; head of the Latvian research team (from 2021). https://www.rsu.lv/projekts/ar-plassazinas-medijiem-saistito-risku-un-iespeju-kritisks-novertejums-saistiba-ar


    Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem), Latvian expert, (2013–2022).


    EU European Media Pluralism Monitor, country coordinator, (2015–2022).


    Projects of the Ministry of Culture «Media Support Fund programs implemented in 2021 for the diversity and quality of the Latvia’s media environment, as well as the evaluation of Media Support Fund regulations in 2022» project manager, researcher.


    Projects of the Ministry of Culture «Media Support Fund programs implemented in 2020 for the diversity and quality of the Latvia’s media environment, as well as the evaluation of Media Support Fund regulations in 2021» project manager, researcher.


    Erasmus+ project on information literacy Brain@Work, head of the Latvian team, researcher, 2019–2021.


    Project «Life with COVID-19: Evaluation of overcoming the coronavirus crisis in Latvia and recommendations for societal resilience in the future» (2020), researcher, leader of four sub-studies (news fatigue, media audience aggressiveness, trust in information sources, perception of pandemic misinformation). https://www.rsu.lv/projekts/dzive-ar-covid-19


    Projects of the Ministry of Culture «Media Support Fund programs implemented in 2019 for the diversity and quality of the Latvia’s media environment, as well as the evaluation of Media Support Fund regulations in 2020» project manager, researcher.


    Project  «Life with COVID-19: Evaluation of overcoming the coronavirus crisis in Latvia and recommendations for societal resilience in the future», researcher, manager of several sub-studies, 2020.


    Project «Development of responsible, diverse and high-quality journalism in Latvian national and regional mass media for promoting social inclusion of third-country nationals in Latvia», EU Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund, project leader, 2020.


    Erasmus + Strategic Partnership project «Media and Information Literacy&Innovative Teaching Methods Laboratory», project leader (2017–2020); partners: University of Tartu; Vilniaus Universitetas; Uniwersytet Wroclawsky; Goeteborgs Universitet; National Information Agency LETA SIA, National Library of Latvia.


    Self-censorship and Professional Journalistic Ethics in the Former Eastern Bloc, University of Leeds, UK, researcher, 2017–2019.


    Index of the Internet Aggressiveness, funded by Riga Stradiņš University,  project leader (from 2011), 2011–2019.


    Project  «Development of responsible, diverse and high-quality journalism in Latvian national and regional mass media for promoting social inclusion of third-country nationals in Latvia», EU Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund, project leader, 2017–2018.


    Worlds of Journalism Study. head of the Latvian team of a global journalism research project, researcher, 2018.


    National Latvian Encyclopedia, editorial board member of Communication section, 2016–2018.


    Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia; worked in working groups dealing with media ombudsperson issues, disinformation, new media regulation, 2016–2018.


    Komisijas seminārs par dzimtes un mediju jautājumiem, valsts situāciju raksturojošā ziņojuma sagatavošana, 2018.


    European Commission, High Level Experts Group on Fake News and Disinformation, 2018.


    State Audit Office of the Republic of Latvia, expert for audit of National Electronic Mass Media Council (NEEMC), Latvian Radio and Latvian Television, 2018.


    Club du Madrid, chosen as an expert for the conference on disinformation, 2018.


    Reflection on the values and the behaviour models in the context of social and economic transformation (State funded project), researcher, 2015–2017.


    Newsplex (University of South Carolina) and the New England Center for Investigative Journalists (Boston) project «Enterprises and Investigative Journalism in the Baltic», Latvian team leader, 2016.


    Pro-Russian hybrid trolls in the Internet news sites of Latvia (funded by Institute of Foreign Affairs and STRATCOM (NATO Excellence Centre in Riga, Latvia), Researcher, 2015–2016.


    Overcoming Economic crisis: social, economic and communication aspects State funded project, researcher, member of the team, 2013–2016.


    Nordplus project «Serious Games», 2014–2015.


    Conception of Public Media in Latvia,  member of working group, 2012–2013.


    Monitoring of Hidden Political Advertisement, Providus, 2010.


    Individual research projects:


    Trust in Media in Baltic States, Latvijas pārstāve, researcher (no 2021. g.), Baltic Centre for Media Excellence.


    Project No: RfS: SIEA-2018-1274 EuropeAid/138778/DH/SER/Multi Lot 3, Study of Ukraine's Image in EU countries, expert, 2021–2022.


    Index of the Internet Aggressiveness, funded by Riga Stradiņš University, individual project, 2011–2019.


    Professional values of Journalists in Baltic States, researcher, 2015–2016.


    V- Dem, from 2016.


    Newsplex (University of South Carolina) and the New England Center for Investigative Journalists (Boston) project «Enterprises and Investigative Journalism in the Baltic». head of the Latvian team, researcher, 2016.


    Media ownership in Latvia, 2011–2014.




Anda Rozukalne, Riga Stradiņa University

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